Learn Some Great Tips To Make Your IPad More Useful
Oprah Winfrey believes that the iPad is among the most significant pieces of technology in recent times. If it is new for you, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. Read on to find out some simple tips and tricks to make your iPad experience even better.
Using your iPad to watch films, play music and play games can significantly shorten the life of the battery. You can change the brightness on your screen to do this. There is no reason to have the screen at full brightness in any situation.
You can access all apps that are running on your iPad. If you double-click on the Home button, it will show you all running apps in a bar on the bottom of your screen. If you tap on a app in the bar, you can quickly switch to it. To make the bar disappear, simply swipe the screen downwards.
You can reboot your iPad when it freezes by doing a soft reset. For a soft reset, you will need to simultaneously hold the home button and power button for several seconds. Wait until your iPad begins to restart. Hold the home button down for several seconds to force-close an app.
Keep track of the apps your are running. You can run many iPad's apps in the back while you are doing other things. To check what is running on the iPad, just double click the Home button. The lower bar will display the currently active apps and some brief information. When you are finished with this area, swipe down and the bar will be gone.
Make sure that you take care of your iPad at all times. Firstly, you must keep the iPad away from the sun, and make sure it's not locked in your car when it's hot. Heat degrades battery performance. Keep your iPad away from liquids so electronic components are not damaged. You should buy a cover that is padded to provide further protection for the device.
Having read this article, you should be able to get started quickly with an iPad in your hands. You will get the most use out of your new iPad if you know about all its features. Learning as much about the iPad as possible will make your investment in the device worthwhile.
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